
Funeral service

We have the largest network of funeral parlours, crematoria and cemeteries in Catalonia, which allows us to offer a comprehensive funeral service from collection to final transfer to the cemetery, including the management of formalities, the wake, the ceremony and cremation or burial in the cemetery.

incineración y velatorio

Cremation and wake

Our 11 crematorium complexes allow us to offer families the complete funeral service from the wake, ceremony and cremation in the same centre, without the need to travel. We also have a wide range of urns for ashes and farewell tributes.

Qué hacer cuando muere un familiar

What to do when a family member dies?

At Àltima we take care of the entire process after the death of a loved one:

  • Collection service: personnel, materials and ambulance.

  • Organisation and care of the service.

  • Death certificate and other administrative procedures.

  • Wake room.

  • Ceremony.

  • Cremation.

  • Transfer.

Te ayudamos con todos los trámites en vida

Request a quote for funeral services in Àltima