Áltima was born from the merger of three family businesses with more than 300 years of experience in the funeral sector. The Ventura family, which since 1687 has provided and developed its services in the city of L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, the Fenés family, which has carried out its activity in the BAix Llobregat region since the end of the 19th century, and the Viñas family, specialised since 1990 in the management and exploration of administrative concessions of public cemeteries. Áltima is the trade name for the group's companies:
Servicio básico

Elysius Europa, SL

Parent company located in Sant Boi de Llobregat that provides central services to the rest of ÁLTIMA's companies.


ÁLTIMA Serveis Funeraris, SL

It covers L'Hospitalet, with a mortuary with crematorium that serves the municipality; Baix Llobregat, where it serves 19 towns and has mortuaries in Sant Boi (operational centre), Sant Just Desvern, Gavà-Castelldefels, Viladecans, Sant Vicenç dels Horts, Sant Joan Despí, Vallirana, Corbera, Pallejà and El Prat; Barcelona, where it has the Ronda de Dalt Mortuary; covers the whole of Alt and Baix Penedès, where it has funeral parlours in Vilafranca, l'Arboç and Lavern; it provides funeral services in 37 towns in Bages, with funeral parlours in Manresa, Cardona, Navarcles, Sant Joan de Vilatorrada, Santperdor, Súria and Sant Vicenç de Castellet (Bages Sud), and, lastly, in the Garraf region, where it has the Cubelle funeral parlour.

L'Hospitalet Ronda

L'Hospitalet Ronda Serveis Funeraris, SL

The L'Hospitalet Ronda Funeral Parlour is located next to exit 14 of the Ronda de Dalt ring road.
Vilanova i la Geltru

Funerària de Vilanova, SA

It provides services to Vilanova i la Geltrú, Olivella and Sant Pere de Ribes. It has a funeral parlour in Vilanova and manages the municipal cemetery.

incineración y velatorio

S. F. Integrals de Girona, SL

It operates in the Alt Empordà region, serving 69 towns and has a mortuary-crematorium in Figueres. It also includes the Ripoll mortuary-crematorium, which operates in 19 towns in Ripollès. It also manages the Sant Joan de les Abadesses mortuary

Roques Blanques

Gestió Integral de Cementiris de Nomber, SL

It provides cemetery services by administrative concession in the Parc Roques Blanques Regional Cemetery, located in the Collserola natural park, in the municipality of El Papiol, and in the municipalities of Prat de Llobregat, Sant Cugat del Vallès, Castellar del Vallès, Sant Just Desvern, Sant Vicenç dels Horts, Viladecans, Corbera, Cervelló, Sant Pere de Ribes, Sitges, Vilanova i la Geltrú, Ripoll and Mataró, the latter through a subsidiary. It also provides maintenance and cleaning services in 218 cemeteries and has crematoriums in the Roques Blanques Regional Cemetery. It also provides funeral and cremation services in Sitges and Viladecans through the mortuaries and crematoriums in these towns.
Tanatorio Àltima la Canonja

Altregara, S

Company owned by ÁLTIMA and Funerària Montserrat Truyols, which has a funeral parlour in Terrassa, opened in 2018. ÁLTIMA also has shareholdings in Funerària de Santa Coloma de Gramanet and in Cementiris Metropolitans, which manages a cemetery with crematorium in Mataró.
Centros funerarios


A funeral company based in Sant Feliu de Guíxols that offers a service to the entire Baix Empordà region.

Tanatorios Áltima


Presta servicio a toda la isla de Mallorca.



From its centre it provides service to the whole island of Mallorca.



TANATORI LITORAL, with a mortuary and crematorium in Sant Adrià de Besòs. CEMENTIRIS METROPOLITANS, which has a cemetery and crematorium in Mataró. Funeraria SANTA COLOMA, in which Áltima has a shareholding and is in charge of management.

In addition, ÁLTIMA includes the VFV Group, an independent company set up by the three shareholder families and which currently provides funeral services in Ibiza, where it has a funeral parlour and crematorium in Santa Eulària des Riu, and which operates under the Aurens brand.

The integration of these companies has given rise to the most advanced Catalan funeral group with the greatest capacity in all phases of the funeral process: death, funeral parlour, cemetery and crematorium.

ISO certificates

At Áltima we strictly follow environmental and quality policies to comply with current regulations.