Annyi Junco Merchan -
Karin, en tu paso por la vida le diste mucha luz al mundo, con tu alegría, energía inagotable y pasión por la vida, iluminaste la de muchos.
Fue un honor y un orgullo conocerte, ser tu estudiante y compartir tu pasión por la arquitectura que era innegable y contagiosa.
Gracias por tanto, por cada sonrisa, cada enseñanza, pero sobretodo por tomarte el tiempo para conocer a la persona que hay detrás de cada idea, gracias por regalarnos tu amor por Barcelona y por la Arquitectura, gracias por tu alegría.
En Polimi - 2017 hablamos de Arquitectura funeraria y de como la muerte se vive en diferentes formas, simbologias, colores y rituales. Aunque no estábamos preparados para la tuya, hoy desde muchos lugares del mundo que lograste impactar, acompañamos tu partida con esos miles de rituales que tu hermosa alma merece.
Estarás siempre en nuestros corazones y memoria.
Annyi Junco, Johanna Narvaez, Sebastián Moreno-Colombia, Ellen Henriques, Gabrielle Aseltta-Brasil, Priscilla Cruz-Perú, Srishti Gupta, Anup Kumar-India, Maria Akimaldos, Aly Elshafei -Egipto, Dunni Roberts -Nigeria, Laura Avarello, Maddalena Gatti, Andrea Manzini-Italia, Maral Gunenc, Elif Parmaksis -Turquia, Svetlana Nancheva- Bulgaria, Gise Bartoloni-Argentina.

Step 1: Write a note

Write your information in the corresponding boxes.

Select the photo or video file on your computer (maximum 1GB) you want to publish and press the "Upload file" button to authorize its download in Espacio para el Recuerdo. If you wish, you can add a text of remembrance or note of condolences.

Imagen comentario
Maximum 10 files.
80 MB limit.
Allowed types: png jpeg jpg jpe gif webp svg.
Allowed types: png gif jpg jpeg.
One file only.
80 MB limit.
Allowed types: mp4 ogv webm.

Step 2: Personal data

Write your information in the corresponding boxes.

All content (memories, condolences, photographs, videos) sent to the Space for Remembrance can be published, hidden or deleted by the administrator (representative of the family for the management of Space for Remembrance). The contents that the administrator decides to publish will be visible to all the people who access the Space for the Remembrance of the deceased. The administrator may also reply to people who send content through the address specified in this form. The family of the deceased, will be able to keep all the shared contents (except the videos) after closing the Space for the Remembrance of the deceased. ÀLTIMA will not keep any content, nor will it be responsible for them. For any clarification, do not hesitate to contact ÀLTIMA. ÀLTIMA informs you that the personal data that you provide by filling in this form will be treated by ELYSIUS EUROPA SL as responsible for this website. The purpose of collecting and processing your data is to be able to send you information, advertising and commercial promotion of products, services and activities of your interest related to funeral services. The legitimation is carried out through the consent of the interested party. In compliance with current regulations, we inform you that the data will be communicated to other companies of the ÀLTIMA Business Group for internal administrative purposes, in accordance with the legitimate interest of the person in charge when the treatment is necessary for the fulfillment of a contract, including a provision of service; They will be kept for the period strictly necessary to comply with the aforementioned precepts; and they will not be transferred to third parties except legal obligation. You may exercise the rights of access, rectification, limitation of treatment, deletion, portability and opposition to the processing of your personal data by directing your request to ÀLTIMA C / Saragossa, 6 08830 Sant Boi de Llobregat or to the email protecciondatos@altima- You can consult the additional and detailed information on Data Protection in our Privacy Policy.